This week in class, we took a look back at the learning goals that was provided at the beginning of the course. I think that I have met most, if not all, of these goals but I think that it is an important exercise for me to critically analyze and measure how I am doing for each one individually:
Goal 1: Theory to practice. Apply new understandings of tech leadership theory to practice and in the course.
This is perhaps one of the goals that I dedicated the most time and effort towards. The course was really designed around not only learning about tech leadership theories, but also applying these theories in practice. In the course, this was evident during the theory presentation assignment, the case study assignment, and the blue sky metaphor assignment (at least that's the plan since it's not until next week!). It's pretty interesting how much the theory from this course has also crossed over to my professional practice as well. I find that I'm even quoting some of these theories in everyday conversations! I think that several of my learning log entries demonstrate that I have applied what I am learning in this class to my professional practice.Goal 2: Develop and present a case study on technology leadership that identifies the potential, affordances, barriers and issues related to tech in the workplace.
This was definitely the most interesting and involved task for the course. I really enjoyed working with my group and I was very excited that we investigated the move to online final assessments in high school eLearning courses as this was based off of a scenario that is happening in my board right now. Examining this case study from a critical and theoretical lens has really helped to solidify my understanding of tech leadership theories.Goal 3: Demonstrate learning in the course. Participate in a learning log for reflection on metacognition. Self and peer assess.
Blogging about our classes on a weekly basis has provided a framework for me to take what we learned in class and think about how I am learning it and how I can apply it to my professional practice.Goal 4: Review the ISTE standards for technology leaders and apply them to analyze policy or leadership practice.
I don't think that I've achieved this goal to a high level. It would have been great to seen the ISTE standards incorporated into class on a weekly basis so that we could see their application to various scenarios.Goal 5: Synthesize the course readings, discussions and presentations.
Again, I have been able to synthesize the information presented in class through my learning log. This will be even more evident next week when I complete my final learning log reflection to synthesize what I have learned in this course.Goal 6: Develop and articulate a philosophy of technology leadership.
This goal is still to be met and will be presented with my blue sky thinking presentation in class next week.Goal 7: Reflect on the course design, take responsibility for your own learning, and provide feedback to ensure that this course meets your learning needs.
Again, the learning log has been a fantastic venue to achieve this goal. I have included posts on both positive and negative aspects of my learning experiences in this course. I've also done several readings on my own about leadership, such as reading George Couros' book called "The Innovator's Mindset".
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