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Showing posts from November, 2017

Week 11: Looking Back

This week in class, we took a look back at the learning goals that was provided at the beginning of the course.  I think that I have met most, if not all, of these goals but I think that it is an important exercise for me to critically analyze and measure how I am doing for each one individually: Goal 1: Theory to practice. Apply new understandings of tech leadership theory to practice and in the course. This is perhaps one of the goals that I dedicated the most time and effort towards.  The course was really designed around not only learning about tech leadership theories, but also applying these theories in practice.  In the course, this was evident during the theory presentation assignment, the case study assignment, and the blue sky metaphor assignment (at least that's the plan since it's not until next week!).  It's pretty interesting how much the theory from this course has also crossed over to my professional practice as well.  I find that I'm even q...

Week 10: More Case Study Presentations

This week, we continued with the case study presentations in class.  My group presented our case study on moving towards online final assessments in high school eLearning courses.  It was an interesting and positive experience; however, there were some negative aspects to how this was set up in the course that I'd like to explore here. First, our group found that it was a challenge to get the rest of the class up to the same level of knowledge as we had about our case study.  It felt like we spent the majority of the breakout time just getting everyone up to speed that it really took away from the rich discussions that began to occur during the last portion of the breakouts.  We provided our case study presentation via blackboard email a few days prior to class; however, no one likely reviewed it before our presentation.  I'm not even sure how this could be improved upon but I found that this was a reoccurring theme. Also, people need wait time to process...

Week 9: Case Study Presentations

All of the case studies that were presented in class this week were fantastic.  The one that really stood out for me though was the case study regarding the integration of blended learning in a college.  I am teaching grade 12 college chemistry next semester, and this case study has made me critically look at how I plan to teach this course.  If my students need to be prepared for a blended learning model, then I want to ensure that I'm preparing them as much as possible while they are still in high school.  I know that most colleges use an LMS (Learning Management System) so I'm wondering if I should use an LMS (Brightspace by D2L is  used by most Ontario school boards) instead of Google classroom? The Bigger Picture I have noticed that all of the case studies so far are focused around one major topic: change and resistance to that change.  Leadership is really all about relationships and cultivating those relationships to break down the barriers and...

Week 8: Peer Review and Case Study

As this was an asynchronous class this week, my time was spent working on the group case study and the peer review of learning logs. Case Study My role in our group is to provide the case and the context for this assignment.  I chose to make a PowToon video to explain our case study, which is a challenge for me since I've never used PowToon before.  I like to challenge myself like this and try new things as I really learn a lot from these experiences.  As I was getting ready to make the video, I quickly realized that I needed to prepare a script.  As I was writing the script, I realized that I had begun to write the paper!  I spent quite a bit of time working on the script but this effort that I'm putting forth now will mean less work for me in the coming weeks.  Here is the video that I made: Peer Review For the peer review of the learning logs, I reviewed Jen Artan's blog.  This process was beneficial as it provided an opportunity to gain...