All of the case studies that were presented in class this week were fantastic. The one that really stood out for me though was the case study regarding the integration of blended learning in a college. I am teaching grade 12 college chemistry next semester, and this case study has made me critically look at how I plan to teach this course. If my students need to be prepared for a blended learning model, then I want to ensure that I'm preparing them as much as possible while they are still in high school. I know that most colleges use an LMS (Learning Management System) so I'm wondering if I should use an LMS (Brightspace by D2L is used by most Ontario school boards) instead of Google classroom?
This week marks the beginning of this course. I have to admit that I was pretty excited about taking this class; it relates so much to my role as Head of Science and Information Technology at the school I teach at in the Halton District School Board (HDSB). I also just took “Foundations of Leadership” last semester with Bill Muirhead and I am looking forward to continuing my learning about leadership. I am still fairly new to my role as a department head; this is my second year and I’m finally feeling like I have a better grasp on what my job entails. One of my goals this year is to further build staff capacity around technology in the classroom so I’m hoping to gain a lot of great ideas and learn about various theories that I can implement in my practice. I am also continuing my work on motivating my staff to shift their practices towards more problem-based or project-based learning and I’m eager to learn more about leadership theories and active learning in general. In sett...
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